Aragil is answering your Digital Marketing fears !


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July 21, 2015

“I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning how to sail my ship” Louisa May Alcott

Nowadays, the internet has a huge popularity. According to statistics portal Statista in 2015  internet users' number reaches 3,17 billion. Despite of this fact many companies have not entered in that digital world yet. What kind of fears makes businesses vulnerable? Why choosing to be stagnant they avoid growing?

Everybody knows that it hurts to fail but that’s actually better than doing nothing at all. The feeling of fear still has a power to paralyze our advancement, and the online world of marketing is not an exception. Curious about the reasons our professional team started to look for some common fears and tried to clarify how to overcome them. Here is our advice for overcoming your digital marketing fears:

Digital Marketing is not for my business

Digital Marketing is not for my business

When mobile internet was created, no one believed that the customers would use it frequently. There was no need even to mention to build a business with it. But as you can see, for the time being approximately 50%-60% of population use mobile internet on a daily basis. Moreover, many people do their shopping and banking transactions, book tickets via mobile applications and pages.

Unfortunately, if you have not started to use mobile features for your business, you are already late. And the time is not bending in your favor. With every second it becomes much harder and it requires bigger budget. So, if you are still in a state of uncertainty, it is high time you started your digital and mobile marketing.

There will be no ROI

There will be no ROI

ROI which means return on investment is the benefit to the investor resulting from an investment of some resource. According to Nielsen Studies, traditional advertising faces a problem with companies allocating 60% of their media budget to television when only 18 percent of TV advertising campaigns generates a positive ROI. Regarding digital marketing, it is much more sophisticated than traditional marketing and it is harder to seduce business owners without proving the ROI resulting from their digital marketing programs.

Generally said, digital marketing ROI is the only marketing system which can be tracked. Aragil will show you the exhaustive analysis of all the traffic come to your website. To bring traffic to the website is easy. What really matters is to bring valuable traffic. Aragil definitely do the latter. It is not hard for us to make the visitors come to your website again and again. We have a developed strategy.

I have no idea of technology

I have no idea of technology

Everybody has his job. You do yours, we do ours. You do not even need to worry about your digital marketing. Just outsource it to our professional team and you will just be informed about the good results. One should note a corresponding example: the book-keeping of your company. That is not you who do it, is it? The same can be with your company's digital marketing. Believe us, it will be much easier for you to delegate that work to professionals. Trust us and we will do your digital marketing a perfect tool to enhance the growth of your business.

I cannot interpret the Digital Data

I cannot interpret the Digital Data

In digital data, it is the analysis that matters. For the analysis Aragil does data mining. Data mining is usually the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and summarizing it into useful information which can be used to increase revenue, to cut costs, or both. In this process Aragil’s professional team always feels the need of the client; what he or she will want the next year or some time later.

In this case, one should note here an important fact about the difference of branding and the notion of brand online and offline. In general, branding consists of advertising, marketing and public relations. It concerns all the thought and emotions customers have regarding our product and company. In the offline world we all know big brands that spend thousands of dollars in their branding. It is also quite obvious that if you are a small company or newly-launched startup, thinking about a brand is absurd. However, in online reality, the situation is vice versa. By gaining a lot of followers and getting engagement, you can rapidly become a brand. It is seducing, isn’t it? Furthermore, digital marketing campaigns require smaller budgets and the results come very promptly.

There is a huge amount of Competitors out there

There is a huge amount of Competitors out there

Continuing the idea of the previous paragraph we want to add some good point in favor of digital marketing. If using traditional marketing tactics your company does not work, unfortunately it can be closed. In the opposite, it might sound surrealistic, but in online world small businesses can compete with huge brands. A perfect example is the first photo social platform Instagram. In October 2010 it was launched as a startup with $100 and in April 2012 and later was bought by Facebook paying $3,000,000. All that matters was the idea.

So, if you are confident about your idea, your product and its quality, let Aragil guide you to success. We know all digital marketing tactics in order to develop you product or your service. All you need is to Contact Us !

The Digital Marketing Agency will get fool of me

Aragil Digital Marketing Agency

The cooperation with Aragil is a long-term relationship. First and foremost, we create a foundation of digital marketing from the scratch, which lasts a few months and then we end up developing it to its final destination. Saying a foundation we mean SEO strategy + Content Marketing + Social Media Marketing. We only start to benefit from our job when our client see the first results and become satisfied. Commonly said, we do not do B2B, we make friends with our customers. Our support is 24/7, we are always near and free for every questions and requirements.

You do not need a big budget to cooperate with Aragil. We can cooperate together with $0 ! ;) In some cases, if you have a good idea, we can even invest on it !! Do not hesitate to Contact Us for consultation or Digital Marketing estimation.

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